Brand Identity: Echobind Social Media
As a designer at Echobind, my work has involved me defining a lot of Echobind’s visual style for our own branding, advertising, and social media. This is work related to that.
Graph Images for Echobind Website
Showing off the distinct photoillustration style we developed for the website.
Dribbble Templates for Apps
Initially I designed these in Figma for quick swapping, before moving the templates into After Effects for quickly showcasing use of new apps and scrolling through wireframes as loops.
Astronaut Stickers
This astronaut graphic proved to be pretty popular since first appearing on the cover of the merchbox notebooks, and has since found itself being adapted for a variety of differently colored stickers.
Social Media Posts
With no marketing graphic designers, I was often on call for concocting templates for hiring, new banners, and last-minute requests for commemorative post imagery. The Happy New Year post uses a 35mm shot from Keys View in Joshua Tree.
I’ve found that illustrations and drawings add a more casual, human element to a design. In anticipation of future outreach efforts, I concocted these in advance as an exploration of that style adapted to Echobind’s love of space imagery.