As mentioned by Rock Paper Shotgun: www.rockpapershotgun.com/broke-signal-badlands-is-a-pocket-fallout-rpg-for-weird-western-dice-addled-mystics
Broke Signal Badlands: A World of Desert Adventure is a narrative game I mostly finished in April of 2023, then spent about two weeks cleaning up in December of 2023, and am continuing to update for a release on Steam in 2024. It’s playable now though, with a free demo (also on Steam), both of which can be found here: https://forwardinstinct.itch.io/broke-signal-badlands
The video below goes over the broad strokes of how it works, why I made it, and my approach to a narrative/TTRPG/CRPG-style of game.
You’re a line man who’s quit their job and stolen the company truck + GPS to roam the desert in search of enlightenment, getting into all kinds of trouble along the way.
Inspired by my own trips to the Mojave.
This is the first game project where I’ve mocked the majority of it in Figma beforehand. Below are screenshots: