- Created, pitched original concept
- Designed logo
- Led team recruitment and project
- Designed and programmed all VR/AR components using Unity C# and Vuforia
- Programmed website & Facebook plugin to allow social media signups
- Designed core mechanics with team
- Designed Mission 5 and Mission 7
- Assisted writing game
- Set dressed trailer & game
- Moderated missions
“The first part of DAEMON was a game, similar to SCAD Humans VS Zombies, taking place on SCAD Savannah campus from April 15th - April 17th, with Opening Night happening on April 14th. Gameplay was live-action, using NERF-style foam blasters. Combat was squad based, with each team being limited to 5-10 players during signup. One player on each team was given a Google Cardboard headset to complete Augmented Reality challenges with their team. This player was known as the team's Decker. Team's fought one another while completing missions. This segment of DAEMON was open only to SCAD Students and Alumni.”“The second part of DAEMON was a New Media gallery show, centered around glitch art, curated by the DAEMON team and headlined by local artist JON SPRINGS. This segment of DAEMON was open to anyone. Additional art from assorted glitch artists, as well as the work we did to make DAEMON reality, were featured.”
“DAEMON was successfully Kickstarted April 13, 2016, for $1,365 with 38 backers. September 22nd, 2017, the 114 minute documentary detailing the creation and experience of playing DAEMON was finally released to backers and the general public.”
I was the creator of the idea and recruited a team to bring the game to fruition, over the course of a year of development. While this is all documented in the documentary, to make it clear - I personally designed mission 5 of 7, art directed the game, curated the Glitch Art/New Media gallery show with Jon Springs, coded the website to allow for Facebook sign-ups for players, implemented all of the Augmented Reality for all missions myself (40+ targets), and was essentially the project's producer.
To learn more about DAEMON’s creation, you can check out the DAEMON Documentary.

AR (GIFs, may take time to load)